tisdag 20 mars 2007

My upside downs

This last week really hasn't been nothing but upside down ! It started with last Tuesday when I had my P-stav removed. Like many of you probably know , I don't need it any more so I prefer a "normal" life. But .. as my body is in transition my hormones are killing me ! And that's not all. I've got an infection in my ankle and it hurts so bad I haven't been able to walk normal for days ! ..

Oh the weekend has been so weird. Haha xD Me and the guys took a road trip to V-by , and the plan was to party at "Harry's". And what happens !? I forget my ID so we can't come in. Do you think I was frustrated ? But with nice company and "The Little Mermaid" the night became pretty nice though.

Enough said .. Everything is not bad. Sure , I'm in a period when I complain about almost everything , but I have so many things to be grateful for also ! Like I have recently found out I'm going to work at ALV this summer ! I'm so excited !! :D If you have plans , visiting the park , you can find me in "sockerdricksträdet" Haha xD

I'm also looking forward to this weekend , when my super great friend Malört "the ört" is arriving " Haven't seen her for weeks. Dude I miss you <3 Speaking about friends , I talked to Harbija yesterday. Oh aboo I miss you too honey pie , so much it can't be written in words.

Nu du Sanna , var det jobbigt att läsa det där ? ;)

x Kisses x

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Haha, jag fattade faktiskt! ;D
Diggade det när du skrev "p-stav" haha. var kul! :D
Hoppas du är lika glad som jag :D
Pusspuss sötnosen!